1. Intro to Web Dev
- Average for past successful students: 12 sessions
- 90th percentile: 19
Expected Outcomes:
At the end of the module, the student:
- Can set up and manage their future projects using github/vscode
- Gets into the habit of committing and pushing code frequently, ideally every day
- Can create simple web apps using html, css and vanilla JS
- Has a strong understanding of JS and programming logic, ready to move to ES6, React.js or Node.js
Below are the topics that we expect students to know by the end of this module:
- Why developers use Git & Github
- Simple repo management: creating, cloning, committing, pushing
- Proper README
- Description (what is it?) + link to the actual web page
- Motivation (why this project?)
- How to install/setup
- How to run
- Github Pages
- Structure of a web page (html + css + js) and the role of each part
- Common HTML elements: headings, div, p, input
- Sizing and styling
- Important display options: block, inline, inline-block, flex, grid
- Classes and IDs
- Pseudo classes (:hover, :focus)
- Selectors
- Responsiveness (mobile friendliness)
- Basic Accessibility: alt, colour contrast, semantic tags (navbar, section)
- JavaScript
- Variables: let, const, arrays, objects
- Logic: if, switch, while, for
- Functions
- Accessing and modifying HTML using JS
- Importing libraries using the
, e.g. bootstrap or axios - APIs
- Understanding the structure of an API call (request, response, address, method, status, body)
- Making API calls
- Parsing JSON
- Related to the above: the asynchronous nature of JS (event driven)
- Debugging
- Browser Developer Console
- HTML/CSS inspector
- Network inspector
- JS Debugging using VSCode debugger + chrome
Nice to Have's
- branching, merging, pull requests
Some Tips:
- Don't spend too much time on HTML/CSS; focus on JS
- Use a UI after a few sessions to make the project look nice
- Check the #projects channel to see what others are doing
- This is probably their first ever programming experience, keep it small in scope
- There are lots of open APIs (weather, stock, restaurants, movies)
- Use localstorage to save data between sessions, e.g. API Keys, user's name
Project Bank
Here's a list of some of the projects for this module:
- https://jamiebursey.github.io/Hockeysales/
- https://zephyr709.github.io/MathMountain/
- https://parrottjrs.github.io/totes-mcnotes/
- https://btremb.github.io/Memory-Test-Project/
- https://danieltstoyles.github.io/wowprojectone/
- https://SamTessier.github.io/Maintenance-Planner/
- https://celw10.github.io/nl_minearl_expl/
- https://shaneedw7.github.io/Onitama-Clone/
- https://sarabjits.github.io/Chess-Openings/
- https://chelseajcaines.github.io/MyFunds/
- https://mgr514.github.io/Workload-Assessment-Tool/
- https://colletteap.github.io/gratitude-planner/
- https://gyro-trix.github.io/MatchDungeon/
- https://brucechafe.github.io/projectplant/
- https://samsymes.github.io/travelsage/
- https://alliebourden.github.io/gameguide/
- https://stevengranter.github.io/wieners-maple-syrup/
- https://jlc758.github.io/Get-Coding-Module-1/
- https://github.com/thefirstnoellle/habitHaven
- https://justindotrocks.github.io/SpeciesFinder/#
- https://geoffdeal.github.io/DailyScroll/
- https://mrdiamondnl.github.io/Fantasy-Homepage/
- https://katnuotio.github.io/getcodingescaperoom/
- https://dannyboi-john.github.io/Pixelator_Alligator/
- https://alexivany.github.io/MixNote/
- https://keithawarren.github.io/ApptPlanner/
- https://jayeyem.github.io/Salmon-Flow-Game/
- https://jwh709.github.io/Groove-Jumper/
- https://col-ian.github.io/Starfinder-GM-Helper/index.html
- https://peavy101.github.io/Nail-the-audition/
- https://sumusa.github.io/biztrack/
- https://greynewfie.github.io/heros-log/
- https://casslee1.github.io/PickATrail/
- https://mottlly.github.io/SeekitStart/