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Prepare for the Career Module

Join Relevant Organizations

These organizations throw or publicize events that you should be attending.


  • Our #events slack channel
  • TechNL
    • Join the Student Membership
    • Read the Newsletter
    • Attend every event possible
  • Genesis Centre
    • Read the Newsletter
    • Attend every event possible
    • This is where entrepreneurs hang out, most tech companies in NL are born here
    • Read the Slack
    • Attend meetups
  • For women:
    • WISENL (student membership)
    • Tequity+ (Linkedin Group)


  • Digital Nova Scotia
    • Read the Newsletter
    • Keep track of the Events page
    • Attend every event possible
  • Volta
    • Read the Newsletter
    • Attend every event possible
    • This is where entrepreneurs hang out, most tech companies in NS are born here
  • Cove
    • Keep track of the Events page
    • Attend every event possible

Professional Github Profile

  • Update your github profile
    • Nice photo
    • Title
    • City
    • Link to your LinkedIn
    • ...
  • Create a github profile readme (different than a project readme)
  • Good project README:
    • BIG LIVE DEMO link (required)
    • Motivation: why this project? (required)
    • Description: what does it do? (required)
    • Acknowledgements: thank your coach (required)
    • Screenshots
    • Tech stack
    • Features
    • Roadmap
    • Example

LinkedIn Account

  • Nice head shot
    • Not too formal or too casual
    • Doen't need to be done by a professional
    • Just go outside, put your camera in Portrait mode and ask some to take a photo of your face 📸 easy
  • Name
    • Doesn't have to be your legal name
    • Use the same name everywhere: linkedin, resume, ... otherwise people can't find you easily
  • Title
    • Make it two parts: future + past, keep it short
    • Example: Aspiring Software Developer | Technician
  • Add your location so you are not confused with bots/marketers
  • Record the pronounciation of your name if it's difficult
  • About Section:
    • Keep it short (2-3 sentences)
    • Keep it casual: Don't try to market yourself, instead just try to introduce yourself naturally
    • At the end, include the link to your github
    • Also highlight 2-3 specific technical skills. E.g. JavaScript, Electrical Wiring, Field Safety
  • Work Experiences
    • Only include the jobs you care about
    • For each: write 4 sentences for each letter of STAR (This is called the STAR method):
      • Situation: how did you end up in this job?
      • Task: what was your role/task?
      • Action: tell me something you did that was impressive / you are proud of
      • Result: what was the result of that action?
      • Example: I joined Schlumberger after graduating from school. As a field technical, my role was to install and maintain electrical equipments used in the field. I'm proud to have followed all safety procedures and never had an accident. As a result, we created a safe work environment for everyone and passed all safety audits with ease.
  • Education
    • Include Get Coding
    • Add a paragraph for each: explain why that program, how it went, what it led you to do next
    • Don't include high school
  • Skills
    • Don't include skills that are too general: Microsoft Office, Teamwork, Collaboration
    • Don't include things you did 10 years ago as homework
    • Include skills that are specific: JavaScript, Git, Electrical Wiring, ...
  • Projects
    • Write a short description for each project
    • Add Media->Link to your live demo
  • Other sections are optional - keep them short:
    • Volunteer Experience
    • Certifications
    • Accomplishments
    • Interests

Important Note


Do not apply anywhere without discussing it with Sahand or Jan.

There have been students who apply with terrible resumes, and naturally they get rejected. Then they get discouraged and stop applying. Then they graduate without a job.

Extra Mile

Feel free to read the Summary of the Career Module, which we'll talk about in depth during our sessions.